The RTI Act under section 4
provides a comprehensive framework for promoting openness in the functioning
of the public authorities.
While Section 4(1) (a)
provides a general guideline for record management, so that the information
could be easily stored and retained, the sub-sections b, c and d of Section
4 relate to the organizational objects and functions. Sub-sections (b), (c)
and (d) of Section 4 of the RTI Act and other related information can be
grouped under six categories; namely, 1-organsiation and function, 2- Budget
and programmes, 3- Publicity and public interface, 4- E. governance, 5-
Information as prescribed and 6. Information disclosed on own
1. Organisation and Function
Details of
Remarks/ Reference Points (Fully
met/partially met/ not met- Not applicable will be
treated as fully met/partially
1.1 |
Particulars of its organisation,
functions and duties [Section 4(1)(b)(i)]
Name and address of the
Organization |
Consulate General of India, Level
6, 12 St. Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia –
6000 |
Head of the
organization |
The Consulate General of India is
headed by the Consul General and has following
sections/Wings: (i) Administration, Establishment
& Accounts Section (ii) Consular Section (iii)
Commercial Section (iv) Information& Culture Section
(v) IT & Hindi Section A Consul ranking officer
supervises the functioning of each Section.
Vision, Mission and Key
objectives |
Function and duties
Organization Chart
Organization Chart is attached as
Annexure-I. |
Any other details-the genesis,
inception, formation of the department and the HoDs from
time to time as well as the committees/ Commissions
constituted from time to time have been
dealt |
History of
Consulate General of India in Perth was inaugurated by
H.E. Mr S M Krishna, External Affairs Minister,
Government of India on 26 October 2011 together with the
Australian Defence Minister Mr. Stephen Smith.
EAM noted that the state of Western Australia has
a special role to play in the growth of strategic
partnership between India and Australia and that the
opening of a Consulate General of India in Perth is
testimony to the importance India attaches to the
relationship with Australia, and within Australia, to a
state on an Ocean whose shores shared by both
Consulate has Consular jurisdiction over
Western Australia and Northern Territory. The Post
serves not only the 100,000 of the Indian diaspora in WA
but also proactively works to deeper & enhance ties
in trade & investment, mining & METS, critical
minerals, education, technology & people to people
ties among others.
of previous Consul Generals is attached
as Annexure-II. |
1.2 |
Power and duties of its officers
and employees [Section 4(1)
(b)(ii)] |
Powers and duties of officers
(administrative, financial and judicial)
The Consulate functions within
the overall purview of the business allocated to the
Ministry of External Affairs under the Government of
India’s Allocation of Business Rules and Transaction of
Business Rules. General Administrative powers are
derived from the Indian Foreign Service (Pay Leave and
Compensatory Allowances etc) Rules, 1961, as amended
from time to time. Financial powers are exercised in
accordance with the guidelines stipulated in the
Delegated Financial Powers of the Government of India’s
Representatives Abroad. The Powers relating to Consular
services are exercised in accordance with the Passport
Act of India, Visa Manual, and other instructions issued
by Ministry of Home Affairs. The Officers of the Consulate
function under the guidance and supervision of the
Consul General. |
Power and duties of other
employees |
Rules/ orders under which powers
and duty are derived and |
Exercised |
Work allocation |
1.3 |
Procedure followed in decision
making process [Section
4(1)(b)(iii)] |
Process of decision making
Identify key decision making points |
Decisions are taken under the instruction and
supervision of Consul General & High Commissioner of
India in Canberra. Final decisions are made in
accordance with the Delegated Rules of the
Govt. Decisions are guided by relevant
rules and are arrived at under the instructions and
overall supervision of the Consul General.
Final decision making
authority |
Final decision making authority
is Consul General. |
Related provisions, acts, rules
etc. |
provisions, acts, rules etc. are as stated in preceding
para 1.2 above. |
Time limit for taking a
decisions, if any |
matters are attended to promptly. Consular applications
are processed & decided upon the same day or within
a maximum number of three days. |
Channel of supervision and
accountability |
official is responsible for the work allotted to him/her
for correctness of rules and regulations and analysis of
facts under the guidance and supervision of Wing Officer
with overall supervision of Consul General. |
1.4 |
Norms for discharge of
functions [Section
4(1)(b)(iv)] |
Nature of functions/ services
offered |
The functions are discharged in
accordance with the norms as formulated by the Ministry
of External Affairs. |
Norms/ standards for functions/
service delivery |
Process by which these services
can be accessed |
Time-limit for achieving the
targets |
Process of redress of
grievances |
1.5 |
Rules, regulations, instructions
manual and records for discharging
functions [Section 4(1)(b)(v)]
Title and nature of the record/
manual /instruction. |
Indian Foreign Service (Pay Leave
and Compensatory Allowances etc) Rules, 1961 and its
Annexures notifying decisions taken by the Government
under the Rules Delegated Financial Powers of
Government of India’s Representatives
abroad The Passport Act
Visa Manual Manuals on Office
Procedures. Other Rules and manuals published
by the Central Government.
List of Rules, regulations,
instructions manuals and records. |
Acts/ Rules manuals
etc. |
Transfer policy and transfer
orders |
1.6 |
Categories of documents held by
the authority under its control [Section 4(1)(b)
(vi)] |
Categories of
documents |
Classified documents/files
relating to India’s external relations and other
sensitive issues. Unclassified documents/files
including, agreements and Memorandum of Understanding;
Passport, visa and consular services
applications. |
(ii) Custodian of
documents/categories |
1.7 |
Boards, Councils, Committees and
other Bodies constituted as part of the Public
Authority [Section
4(1)(b)(viii)] |
Name of Boards, Council,
Committee etc. |
Consulate General of India
functions within the norms of India’s foreign policy
formulated by the Ministry of External Affairs.
Policy is implemented by the Consulate under the
guidance and supervision of the Consul General.
The Consulate has an informal consultation
mechanism with the Indian community on consular,
cultural, social and other issues for promoting the
welfare of the community. |
Composition |
Dates from which
constituted |
Term/ Tenure |
Powers and functions
Whether their meetings are open
to the public? |
Whether the minutes of the
meetings are open to the public? |
Place where the minutes if open
to the public are available? |
1.8 |
Directory of officers and
employees [Section 4(1) (b)
(ix)] |
Name and designation
A directory is given
at Annexure-III.
Telephone, fax and email
ID |
1.9 |
Monthly Remuneration received by
officers & employees including system of
compensation [Section 4(1) (b)
(x)] |
List of employees with Gross
monthly remuneration |
A statement of monthly
remuneration is at
System of compensation as
provided in its regulations |
1.10 |
Name, designation and other
particulars of public information officers
[Section 4(1) (b)
(xvi)] |
Name and designation of the
public information officer (PIO), Assistant Public
Information (s) & Appellate Authority
Central Public Information
officer(CPIO):-Smt. Bharti Sangwan, ASO(Admin, Accounts
& Estt.), Consulate General of India, level 6, 12
St. Georges Terrace, Perth-6000. Appellate
Authority:- Shri Amarjeet Singh Takhi, Consul
General, Consulate General of India, level 6, 12 St.
Georges Terrace, Perth-6000. |
Address, telephone numbers and
email ID of each designated official. |
1.11 |
No. of employees against whom
Disciplinary action has been proposed/
taken (Section 4(2)) |
No. of employees against whom
disciplinary action has been Pending for Minor penalty or
major penalty proceedings |
Finalised for Minor penalty or
major penalty proceedings |
1.12 |
Programmes to advance
understanding of RTI (Section 26) |
programmes |
From time to time, the Consulate
organizes briefing sessions for the local Indian
Community on Government policies & decisions
including RTI. |
Efforts to encourage public
authority to participate in these
programmes |
Training of
Update & publish guidelines
on RTI by the Public Authorities concerned
1.13 |
Transfer policy and transfer
orders [F No. 1/6/2011- IR dt.
15.4.2013] |
As formulated by the Ministry of
External Affairs from time to time. |
2. Budget and Programme
Details of
Remarks/ Reference Points (Fully
met/partially met/ not met- Not applicable will be
treated as fully met/partially
Budget allocated to each agency
including all plans, proposed expenditure and reports on
disbursements made etc. [Section
4(1)(b)(xi)] |
Total Budget for the public
authority |
The Budget figures for the
current financial year are given in the statement
at Annexure-V
Budget for each agency and plan
& programmes |
expenditures |
Revised budget for each agency,
if any |
Report on disbursements made and
place where the related reports are
available |
Foreign and domestic
tours (F. No. 1/8/2012- IR dt.
11.9.2012) |
Budget |
Tender notices relating to
day-to-day functioning of the Consulate i.e.
procurements, repair & maintenance job, filling up
of job vacancies etc are published on the Consulate’s
website from time to time. |
Foreign and domestic Tours by
ministries and officials of the rank of Joint Secretary
to the Government and above, as well as the heads of the
Department. Places visited The period of visit
The number of members in the
official delegation Expenditure on the
visit |
Details of Foreign Tours &
domestic tours is attached as Annexure-VI |
Information related to
procurements Notice/tender enquires, and
corrigenda if any thereon, Details of the bids awarded
comprising the names of the suppliers of goods/ services
being procured, The works contracts concluded –
in any such combination of the above-and
The rate /rates and the total
amount at which such procurement or works contract is to
be executed. |
Manner of execution of subsidy
programme [Section
4(i)(b)(xii)] |
Name of the programme of
activity |
The Consulate General of India
does not have any subsidy programme. |
Objective of the
programme |
Procedure to avail
benefits |
Duration of the programme/
scheme |
Physical and financial targets of
the programme |
Nature/ scale of subsidy /amount
allotted |
Eligibility criteria for grant of
subsidy |
Details of beneficiaries of
subsidy programme (number, profile etc)
Discretionary and
non-discretionary grants [F. No. 1/6/2011-IR dt.
15.04.2013] |
Discretionary and
non-discretionary grants/ allocations to State Govt./
NGOs/other institutions |
The Consulate does not have any
provision in this regard. |
Annual accounts of all legal
entities who are provided grants by public
authorities |
Particulars of recipients of
concessions, permits of authorizations granted by the
public authority [Section 4(1) (b)
(xiii)] |
Concessions, permits or
authorizations granted by public authority
No concessions/permits are
granted by the Consulate |
For each concessions, permit or
authorization granted Eligibility criteria
Procedure for getting the
concession/ grant and/ or permits of
authorizations Name and address of the
recipients given concessions/ permits or
authorisations Date of award of concessions
/permits of authorizations |
`CAG & PAC paras [F No.
1/6/2011- IR dt. 15.4.2013] |
CAG and PAC paras and the action
taken reports (ATRs) after these have been laid on the
table of both houses of the parliament.
3. Publicity Band Public
Details of
Remarks/ Reference Points (Fully
met/partially met/ not met- Not applicable will be
treated as fully met/partially
3.1 |
Particulars for any arrangement
for consultation with or representation by the members
of the public in relation to the formulation of policy
or implementation there of [Section
4(1)(b)(vii)] [F No 1/6/2011-IR dt.
15.04.2013] |
Arrangement for consultations
with or representation by the members of the
public Relevant Acts, Rules, Forms and
other documents which are normally accessed by
citizens |
The Consulate works in close
coordination with business associations, think tanks,
academicians and also with the Indian
Association. |
Arrangements for consultation
with or representation by Members of the public in policy
formulation/ policy implementation Day & time allotted for
visitors Contact details of Information
& Facilitation Counter (IFC) to provide publications
frequently sought by RTI applicants |
Public- private partnerships
(PPP) Details of Special Purpose
Vehicle (SPV), if any |
Detailed project reports
(DPRs) |
agreements. |
Operation and maintenance
manuals |
Other documents generated as part
of the implementation of the PPP |
Information relating to fees,
tolls, or the other kinds of revenues that may be
collected under authorisation from the
government |
Information relating to outputs
and outcomes |
The process of the selection of
the private sector party (concessionaire
etc.) |
All payment made under the PPP
project |
3.2 |
Are the details of policies /
decisions, which affect public, informed to
them [Section 4(1) (c)]
Publish all relevant facts while
formulating important policies or announcing decisions
which affect public to make the process more
interactive; Policy decisions/ legislations
taken in the previous one year |
Yes. The details are properly
advertised through the Consulate’s website. The
Consulate also organizes briefing sessions on important
matters from time to time. |
Outline the Public consultation
process |
Outline the arrangement for
consultation before formulation of policy
3.3 |
Dissemination of information
widely and in such form and manner which is easily
accessible to the public [Section 4(3)] |
Use of the most effective means
of communication Internet (website)
Through the Consulate’s website
which is updated on regular basis. Consulate also makes available to
interested individuals/organizations various books,
journals, handouts, CD’s and DVD’s containing
information on India, its people, culture, and economic
policies. |
3.4 |
Form of accessibility of
information manual/ handbook [Section 4(1)(b)]
Information manual/handbook
available in Electronic format
Printed format |
3.5 |
Whether information manual/
handbook available free of cost or not [Section 4(1)(b)]
List of materials
available Free of cost |
At a reasonable cost of the
medium |
4. E. Governance
Details of
Remarks/ Reference Points (Fully
met/partially met/ not met- Not applicable will be
treated as fully met/partially
4.1 |
Language in which Information
Manual/Handbook Available [F No. 1/6/2011-IR dt.
15.4.2013] |
English |
Vernacular/ Local
Language |
4.2 |
When was the information
Manual/Handbook last updated? [F No. 1/6/2011-IR dt
15.4.2013] |
Last date of Annual
updation |
4.3 |
Information available in
electronic form [Section
4(1)(b)(xiv)] |
Details of information available
in electronic form |
The Consulate website contains
all relevant information relating to the normal
functioning of the Consulate, activities on the
commercial & cultural fronts, consular services and
other facilities as available to the public and specific
bilateral issues. |
Name/ title of the
document/record/ other information |
Location where
available |
4.4 |
Particulars of facilities
available to citizen for obtaining
information [Section
4(1)(b)(xv)] |
Name & location of the
faculty |
The Consulate is open to the
public during its normal working hours for queries on
Consular matters. The queries received from public
through post/e-mail are replied to by the same means.
The Consulate also makes its meeting hall available for
miscellaneous business & cultural activities by the
Indian associations. |
Details of information made
available |
Working hours of the
facility |
Contact person & contact
details (Phone, fax email) |
4.5 |
Such other information as may be
prescribed under section 4(i) (b)(xvii)
Grievance redressal
mechanism |
grievance or complaint arising out of any non-compliance
of service standards, failure in delivery of service may
be redressed through contacting by telephone, post or by
logging in online at (a) Central Public Grievance
Redress and Monitoring System(CPGRAMS)
www.pgportal.gov.in or (b) www.madad.gov.in or (c)
email: hoc.perth@mea.gov.in &
Details of applications received
under RTI and information provided |
Number of RTI applications
received during F.Y. 2023-24 is 8 and number of RTI
applications to which information provided is 7 and 1
application is transferred to other PA u/s 6 is
1. As of date, the Consulate does
not have any pending RTI application nor any appeal
against the information furnished by the
Consulate. |
List of completed schemes/
projects/ Programmes |
Not Applicable |
List of schemes/ projects/
programme underway |
Not Applicable |
Details of all contracts entered
into including name of the contractor, amount of
contract and period of completion of
contract |
Not Applicable |
Annual Report |
Annual General Report for
Calendar Year 2022-23 is sent to Ministry by uploading
on e-samiksha portal on 15 March, 2023 and for Calendar
Year 2023-24 is sent to Ministry by uploading on
e-Samiksha portal on 31 January, 2024. |
Frequently Asked Question
(FAQs) |
Any other information such
as Citizen’s Charter
The Consulate follows Ministry’s
Citizen’s Charter for the services of the diaspora. The
same is attached as Annexure-VII. |
Result Framework Document
(RFD) |
Six monthly reports on
the |
Performance against the
benchmarks set in the Citizen’s Charter |
4.6 |
Receipt & Disposal of RTI
applications & appeals [F.No 1/6/2011-IR dt.
15.04.2013] |
Details of applications received
and disposed |
Number of RTI applications
received during F.Y. 2023-24 is 8 and number of RTI
applications disposed is 8. |
Details of appeals received and
orders issued |
Number of appeals under RTI
received during F.Y. 2023-24 is 1 and number of appeals
under RTI disposed is 1. |
4.7 |
Replies to questions asked in the
parliament [Section 4(1)(d)(2)]
Details of questions asked and
replies given |
Inputs to the Parliamentary Questions
sought by Ministry are processed
5. Information as may be
Details of
Remarks/ Reference Points (Fully
met/partially met/ not met- Not applicable will be
treated as fully met/partially
5.1 |
Such other information as may be
prescribed [F.No. 1/2/2016-IR dt. 17.8.2016, F No.
1/6/2011-IR dt. 15.4.2013] |
Name & details
of Current CPIOs &
FAAs Earlier CPIO & FAAs from
1.1.2015 |
Current Central Public Information
Officer (CPIO): Smt. Bharti
Sangwan, ASO(Admin), Consulate General of India, Level
6, 12 St. Georges Terrace, Perth-6000. Email:
Current First Appellate Authority
(FAA): Shri Amarjeet Singh Takhi,
Consul General, Consulate General
of India, Level 6, 12 St. Georges Terrace, Perth-6000.
Email: cg.perth@mea.gov.in
(b) Earlier CPIOs & FAAs
from 1.1.2015:
Rajesh Kumar Bhati, Vice Consul for period 03.11.2021 to
Naresh Sharma, Acting Consul General for period
27.06.2022 to 29.02.2024
First Appellate Authorities
Amarjeet Singh Takhi, Consul General for period
27.06.2022 to till date
Naresh Sharma, Acting Consul General for period
03.11.2021 to 26.06.2022
Dantu Charandasi, Consul General for period 31.07.2019
to 31.10.2021 |
Details of third party audit of
voluntary disclosure Dates of audit carried
out Report of the audit carried
out |
Last this party audit of
voluntary disclosure of this Post has been carried out
for F.Y. 2022-23 by CIC. Report of audit is available on
CIC portal. |
Appointment of Nodal Officers not
below the rank of Joint Secretary/ Additional
HoD Date of appointment
Name & Designation of the
officers |
Nodal Officer:
Shri Amarjeet Singh Takhi, Consul
General Date of Appointment:
06.06.2022 |
Consultancy committee of key
stake holders for advice on suo-motu
disclosure Dates from which
constituted Name & Designation of the
officers |
Committee of PIOs/FAAs with rich
experience in RTI to identify frequently sought
information under RTI Dates from which
constituted Name & Designation of the
Officers |
6. Information Disclosed on own
Details of
Remarks/ Reference Points (Fully
met/partially met/ not met- Not applicable will be
treated as fully met/partially
6.1 |
Item / information disclosed so
that public have minimum resort to use of RTI Act to
obtain information |
The Consulate’s website has the
relevant information which is updated on a regular
basis. |
6.2 |
Guidelines for Indian Government
Websites (GIGW) is followed (released in February, 2009
and included in the Central Secretariat Manual of Office
Procedures (CSMOP) by Department of Administrative
Reforms and Public Grievances, Ministry of Personnel,
Public Grievance and Pensions, Govt. Of
India) |
Whether STQC certification
obtained and its validity. Does the website show the
certificate on the Website? |
Yes, Valid till
Yes, may be seen as attached
Transparency audit of Disclosures under
Section 4 of the RTI Act by the Public authorities